For my final I decided to interview a junior photographer for The Ridgewood Post. On Decemember 7th I sat down with photographer Corinne Philippou. I met up with Corinne at The Ridgewood Post office in Catalpa,New York. We sat at her desk and she began to show me her portfolio and she was nice enough to let me borrow two of her works(via email) to use for my blog post. After, receiving the pictures the interview had begun. I asked her what was her job title was and how long has she had been in that position? She had responded "I've been the junior photographer for The Ridgewood Post for almost two years now(laughs). I had then asked her What her best work was in New York and why did she think it was the best. She had told me "My best work and most funnest work would have to be a photo shoot I had done in Central Park when I had first started working here(at the post). It was me and two other girls and we were assigned to snap pictures of scenery and whoever had the best photographs, there picture would be used in the paper. I didn't win that little contest but I had alot of fun." I then asked her What defines success to her in New York? She responded "I guess if someone doesn't give up on their dreams and work hard I guess you could say that is what makes New York successful". I asked how long has she had the interest of being a photographer? She responded "Ever since i got my hands on a vintage polaroid camera from the 80's sinceI was about 8 years old. since then my love for photography has not changed." then asked her "Do you have any inspirations? Any mentors? She responded "I am inspired by photographer Terry Richardson, he takes so many photos of celebrities that he himself has become a celebrity. As far as mentors I guess you can count the lead photographer of the post Ben Blink." I ended the interview by asking her if she had any advice for any young photographers or aspiring photographers? She responded "Don't give up, and don't take no for an answer."
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